7 Reasons Why You Need To Stop Sport Betting And Gambling If You Are Addicted. I was browsing recently and stumble upon this article that was written by some one so i have decided to share it with my blog readers so they too will know the dangers of being addicted to betting and gambling. I believe there are lots of punters out there who have made betting and gambling their life style to the extent that if they don't place bet on daily basis they won't cope. Like i used to say, betting online or offline, be it football betting, casino, dice, card etc should be for the fun of it, not as means to livelihood.

Some punters have made betting their business which is bad and this has caused great harm than success.i used to be an addict gambler but after noticing that it has a dangerous effect in my life, i had to take a break and seek counselling. It made me see it as a way of life and got greedy with staking huge money. This is one of the killer stage with betting and gambling. When it got to this stage, then such punter needs to seek counselling to free themselves from getting soaked in it.
The addiction of gambling causes more harm to any individual expecially when it has gotten to the extream stage.
Lots of people have lost their homes because of betting, lots of students have been thrown out from school because they used their school fee to gamble, lots of workers have lost their jobs because they used their salary or collected money from their office to gamble. This is not a joke because online betting can be addictive if care is not taken and here are 7 reasons why you should stop betting or gambling if you are addicted to it.
It Causes Emotional depression and anger
people who are core gamblers are often found to be emotionally depressed every day of their life expecially when they lose huge sum of money,and they are always angry when they remember the amount of money they have lost and the meaningful things they could have done with the money.they become depressed again..anytime their slip cuts, they are not going to be in a good mood and start quareling every one around them
they are never sucessful.
i have never seen a man who gambles and is sucessful in life,Gamblers are never sucessful instead the money that they are meant to use to invest into their business.they will use it to play bet9ja, Nairabet, Merrybet, Bet 365 , Planetofbets and when they loose, they become depressed and sad. Betting should be for the fun of it, not as means to sustain livelyhood
they are always indebted
when they have exhausted the money within their position as a result of loosing massively,they go into borrowing and most times they use their personal belongings as collateral,i have seen where a man staked his wife's pot of soup to gamble and he lost it at the spot
they resort into stealing
when no one agrees to borrow them money to fulfill their gambling desires,because of the debt they have incurred upon themselves. they resort into stealing and if care is not taken they will graduate to armed robbery
all gamblers often lie.they can cook up lies to their parents,bosses so as to avoid questioning on how they spent the money that was given to them.
Deteriorates your physical health
If you have been gambling on a regular basis your physical health is at stake. People who gamble impulsively start neglecting their health. Additionally, the stress of the gambling obsession can even cause stress on your heart, particularly after shocking monetary losses. The emotional fall can in fact have an effect on your physical body in negative ways
loosing friends
You might be wondering how this habit of yours will make you lose friends. Well, if you are in a habit of gambling then it is more likely that if not today maybe later you’ll borrow money from them. Chances are you’ll not be able to pay them in time due to frequent losses. This will really cause strain in your relations. In addition, your addiction will make you ignore your friends as you will be preoccupied with gambling.
You may then even miss social outings and some very important events. it makes you loose your aim and vision in life When your life is all about gambling and just gambling, it then becomes your primary activity. All of your vigor, motivation, energy and inspiration are only gambling related and you tend to lose focus on the main aspects of your life. If you have any special talents or hobbies, it is most likely that these hobbies will not be given priority and you’ll choose to ignore them
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