Do You know That Bookies Make Mistakes With Their Odds.let me tell you.there was a game in Egypt league which the stronger team was given high odds 3.5 and the other team was given 1.90 odds.the stronger team was at home and they gave them 3.5 did guys got to see this mistake, the answer was through forecasting.for those who don't know how to forecast matches, you are really missing out in the big picture when it comes to online is better to take your time to forecast matches before they start than just visiting prediction site and check the team that was given higher percentage to stake on.if you just stake on team with higher percentage of winning without taking time to forecast, then you are not doing yourself a favour. this may be one of the reasons you loose bets everyday.

Sincerely when i got to learn how to carry out little forecasting, it has helped me to determine what game i should stake my bet on even if it ends up worries.its better to forecast a game and loose or win than just waiting for prediction site to show you team with high percentage.
You will learn from your mistakes as you forecast a game.
Like the Egypt game, the team that was given high odds was topping the league and they are stronger than the away team that was given 1.90
lots of guys that did their home work with forecasting saw the mistake and took advantage of it.
Some guys stake direct winning with an odd of 3.5 while some minimize their risk by staking on handicap 1:0 which i would have also done.
When the betting sites got to know about their mistake, they took the game down.that means they disabled the game so other people could not stake their bet on it.
You can see that this mistake was leaked out as a result of forecasting.
Most of the time the both team meets, the team that was at home usually win more and they were given 3.5 odds.
Guys were not smilling, they went with direct winning and the game ended with 3:1 and the bookies paid for their mistake.
What is the bone of contention her, the secret is forecasting.learn how to forecast or predict match.even if we all know that no match is 100 sure prediction, it is wise to do your will win more with forecasting a game than loosing.
The simple truth is that forecasting matches is not that difficult and yet many punters are running away from it because they feel its time consuming forecasting.
Yes at first it may be time consuming, checking up games one by one before staking but when you keep doing it, you will get use to it.
Soon, i will show you guys the secret to forecasting matches like a pro.i will make a detailed guide with images showing you how its done.
This way you will stop asking for prediction or subscribing to some ones pick service.
You will learn how to fish for yourself and even start selling pick.
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